
"Having struggled with strong negative patterns for a long time it was really only after my session with Derek that I fully realised how easy they can be to change. He was very skillful in talking me through a major area of my life and helping me orientate myself powerfully in the direction I want to be moving, helping me to find tangible tools that resonated my truth whilst acting directly to help me avoid my negative behaviours. "


Psyche K is a valuable pathway to identifying the core beliefs that need to be gently reassessed, and retrained to support my growth. It can be quite an "ah -ha" moment to bring limiting old ideas into full awareness and let them change into statements about where I want to be now!I found Psyche K combines my own body's deep knowledge along with Derek's insightful guidance to set new goals. In my case I have been able to maintain the healthy eating patterns which I used to think was too hard to do as I was too stressed etc. I'm seeing positive change, thanks Derek!


Derek's Psych-K session really blew me away as I never thought a form of Kinesiology could be done remotely so I LOVE the fact that it can - esp since we are restricted right now but we all need CARE more than ever! Derek gave a great explanation of what to expect & then we dived in. I loved the ease of which he was able to pinpoint quickly what my limiting belief was that was holding me back & then we released it just as quickly without having to dig up my long past! And I have been feeling AMAZING ever since. I'm so truly grateful for his gift & highly recommend him to get your life back on track.

It was so fast & SO EFFECTIVE - I felt the shifts in my body & my VOICE immediately - taking my body from STRESS to PEACE in 90 mins! ANd we worked on some BIG stuff & MONEY BLOCKS which I thought I had already worked on!!! But my body was still showing stress about money. I couldn't believe it! Anyway - since I have ALREADY seen money flowing more easily into my life without really doing anything I know its working...


Before beginning my session with Derek I felt a little nervous and with a sense of vulnerability. But speaking with Derek I instantly felt calm and relaxed while being totally supported and gently guided through a journey of self discovery. I highly recommend Derek to anyone who is feeling the calling to cleanse old thought patterns and fears. I feel lighter and connected more closely with my hearts desires. What a blessing, thank you!


"I was amazed at how quickly and easily my old, limiting beliefs were shifted! The techniques were simple for me to follow. I felt safe and supported by Derek and feel lighter and freer now. Thank you!"


Derek was the first person to introduce me to Psych-k. He has helped me surface self limiting beliefs I wasn’t even aware I had and transform them into empowering beliefs that serve me to my highest good.

Whenever I start to feel blocked or fall back into self sabotaging patterns I call him for a session.

- Bree, NSW Australia

Derek's treatments are very thorough, he has helped me identify weaknesses in my hip stability and correct it within a session. His knowledge of the combination of Psych-K, cupping and neurolymphatic training was very effective.
